Connor McMahon, 23, while changing a flat tire struck by a Michigan Woman allegedly driving under the influence of liquor. The young teacher was killed.

A Michigan woman hit a young teacher in DWI Crash
A Michigan woman allegedly driving under the influence of liquor was charged in the death of Connor McMahon, a young teacher, who was hit while changing a flat tire at Interstate 94 in Suburban Detroit.
Connor McMahon, 23, was teaching at Fraser High School. The young teacher got a flat tire while coming home from watching a Detroit Tigers game that was rained last June 13. Her death is a heartbreaking tragedy, said Fraser’s Principal.
A 25-year-old Michigan woman was charged with operating a vehicle under the influence of liquor and causing death and two other felonies.
The Michigan woman caused the death of a young much-beloved teacher
The caution about the prohibition of driving under intoxication drinking has been around for decades. The crime cannot be repeated enough.