Florida State Tax Revenue

Florida State Tax Revenue Continues To Rise Following Adjustments In Total Sales Tax Collections

Florida state tax revenue continued to rise after adjusting the total sales tax collections. Florida State Tax Revenue Continues Rising After Adjustments in Sales Tax Collections in Different Sectors Florida state tax revenue continues rising after adjustments in total collections in different sectors as Florida state tax revenue keeps rising every month to more than…

Yard Sales In Idaho

Here’s How Yard Sales In Idaho Qualify For Occasional Sales Tax Exemption – Check More About It Here!

How do yard sales in Idaho qualify for occasional sales tax exemption? Yard Sales in Idaho Don’t Need to Collect and Pay Sales Tax if They Qualify for Occasional Sales Tax Exemption Garage sales, commonly called yard sales in Idaho, don’t need to collect and pay sales tax if they qualify for occasional sales tax…

0.4% Sales Tax Increase Approved by the Milwaukee County Board of Supervisors through 15-3 votes

0.4% Sales Tax Increase Approved by the Milwaukee County Board of Supervisors through 15-3 votes

In an effort to avoid harsh service cuts, the Milwaukee County Board of Supervisors overwhelmingly authorized a 0.4% sales tax increase and modifications to the county’s pension system on Thursday. In a full board meeting, the supervisors voted 15-3. It needed to be approved by two-thirds of the district supervisors, or 12 of the 18…

States Sales Tax Holidays: Thinking About Tax-Free Weekend? Check The Sales Tax Holidays For Every State.

States Sales Tax Holidays: Thinking About Tax-Free Weekend? Check The Sales Tax Holidays For Every State.

Knowing when and how to take advantage of state sales tax holidays might help you save a significant amount of money. This year, several states provide opportunities for discounts throughout July and August, especially if you’re looking for back-to-school-specials. On other things, such as hunting gear, energy-saving appliances, and emergency and weather preparedness equipment, there…

Texas Sales Tax Revenue

Texas Sales Tax Revenue Hits 6.8% Higher Than In June Last Year

The Texas sales tax revenue hit $3.92 billion, 6.8% higher than in June last year. Texas Sales Tax Revenue Hits $3.92 Billion This June Following Higher Major Taxes Collected Than Last Year The Texas sales tax revenue hit $3.92 billion this June, which was reportedly 6.8% higher than the Texas sales tax revenue in June…

Texas Removes Sales Tax

Texas Removes Sales Tax on Family-Care Products, Providing Financial Relief to Texans

Governor Greg Abbott of Texas signed Senate Bill 379 on Sunday, removing the sales and use taxes on specific care items. Texans will soon be relieved of paying sales tax on essential family-care products such as diapers, baby wipes, and menstrual products While the law will come into effect in the following months, Jorge Medina,…

Proposition 400

Governor Hobbs Reveals She Would Veto The Extension Of Half-Cent Sales Tax For Infrastructure Projects In Arizona

Governor Hobbs revealed she would veto the plan of extending the half-cent sales tax for infrastructure projects in Arizona. Governor Hobbs Will Reject the Extension of Sales Tax for Local Infrastructure Projects in Arizona Following the nearing end of the half-cent statewide sales tax for infrastructure projects in Arizona, Governor Hobbs expressed her disagreement with…