Here’s How Yard Sales In Idaho Qualify For Occasional Sales Tax Exemption – Check More About It Here!

How do yard sales in Idaho qualify for occasional sales tax exemption?

Yard Sales In Idaho
How do yard sales in Idaho qualify for occasional sales tax exemption? (Photo: West Coast Self-Storage)

Yard Sales in Idaho Don’t Need to Collect and Pay Sales Tax if They Qualify for Occasional Sales Tax Exemption

Garage sales, commonly called yard sales in Idaho, don’t need to collect and pay sales tax if they qualify for occasional sales tax exemption, wherein the yard sales in Idaho are usually held at their residence, selling their own items.

If the yard sales in Idaho do not qualify for the occasional sales exemption, the sellers are required to have a permit and collect and pay tax; however, if the yard sales in Idaho qualify for the occasional sales exemption, the sellers do not need to submit any requirements or fill out a form for the sales tax, Local News 8 reported.

According to reports, yard sales in Idaho with two or more sellers don’t qualify for the sales tax exemption, while yard sales in Idaho regarding rehoming a pet as long as they aren’t selling or breeding pets will qualify with the sales tax exemption.

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Here are Yard Sales in Idaho That Are NOT Qualified for Sales Tax Exemption

Yard sales in Idaho will be qualified for sales tax exemption if they are not considered retailers or individuals sell in other venues for yard sales in Idaho other than their residence, Standard Journal reported.

Aside from the above mentioned, yard sales in Idaho that run the event for more days than usual and those buying from others to resell the item will not qualify for the sales tax exemption.

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