Back to Back Payment, SSI Program Beneficiaries’ Rejoiced in June’s Double Paycheck: Here’s Why?

A rare double payment will occur this Friday, June 30 for all the recipients of the Social Security Administration’s Supplemental Security Income program due to a quirk in the SSA’s calendar which in turn affected the 2023 SSI payment schedule.

SSI Payment Schedule for 2023

Normally, for each month, the recipients will only receive one payment every 1st day of the month but due to a small conflict with the 2023 SSI payment schedule on the following month, July 1st, which lands on a weekend, they decided to change the payment schedule to June 3o, Friday. Making it the second payment for the month of June.

To ensure that the beneficiaries will receive 12 checks annually, SSA decided to adjust the schedule as they see fit which resulted in them receiving two checks in some months and none in others. In actuality, this rare occurrence is not gonna end in June since there are also months wherein the SSI payment schedule is set on a weekend such as in April, July, October, and January.

Also, keep in mind, these 4 months: March, June, September, and December; as they are the months in which the beneficiaries can receive two payments in the same month this year.


SSI Payment Eligibility

To know if you are eligible for this program, you must be over 65, experiencing physical or mental conditions that gravely limits their daily activities for a year or more or maybe expected to result in death, or at least be partially blind. Furthermore, the amount of money to be received by the beneficiary varies depending on how they filed it. Be it individually, jointly, or as an essential person.





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