What Are the Worst Subway Stations in New York City?
The majority of New York City subway stations are tolerable. They may be hot, stinky, and full of trash, but living in New York means accepting these conditions as normal. There are other stops, meanwhile, that have allegedly slipped under the radar; stops that smell like feces and pee; stops with horrific rat infestations; stops that are essentially a mugger’s paradise; pauses that appear to have a mortar shell buried somewhere. We rank the worst, most abhorrently appalling subway stations in Manhattan today in the spirit of change.
Today’s most outrageously disgusting subway stops in Manhattan
In an article from COMPLEX, here are some from the list:
191st Street On The 1 Line- This location is known in New York as the Tunnel of Doom. Riders must slog a quarter-mile through a cramped concrete tunnel filled with vermin and trash to get to the station. It is really eerie and dark. The city’s worst subway station, by a wide margin.
Hoyt-Schermorhorn on A/C lines- A unique Brooklyn subway stop may be found at this station: the phantom platform, a section of abandoned concrete that was originally used for passenger transit. The MTA decided to use the Hoyt-Schermorhorn phantom platform as a temporary rubbish dump, much to the consternation of daily travelers. When the trash literally starts to cook inside the bags in the middle of summer, the scent is said to rise to intolerable heights. UGH!!!
Canal Street On The Q Line- One member of the Complex crew succinctly summarized this stop. It appears as though a bottle of diarrhea cologne was accidentally left there. The smell, which can be a combination of vomit, crap, and testicular sweat, hits strong and never goes away. Even the homeless, who are often a reasonably accommodating group, don’t seem surprised by the odor.
READ ALSO: 14-Year-Old Subway Surfer Killed, Another Teen Severely Injured, After Falling From Brooklyn L Train
Disgusting subway stops in Manhattan
Here are some list from Sullivan & Galleshaw:
Chamber Street On The J Line- Can you say “disrepair”? This area is a battleground. Even just the “Chambers” sign is enough to make a visitor shudder in terror. There are numerous cracked tiles, the lighting is reminiscent of the batcave, and the synthetic rats don’t appear to be in the least bit fazed by the presence of the humans.
Dyckman Street On The 1 Line- At the Dyckman station, robberies occur almost every day. It’s in a remote location, outside, and above ground. Even worse, it’s obvious that the MTA allowed the once-beautiful station to fall into terrible disrepair; shoddy attempts at graffiti are scrawled on the walls, and large chunks of concrete are missing from several platform areas. Avoid it if you can.