
Vegeta Cult: What Is It? How Does Everyone Have a Green Jacket Profile Picture?

Each new ‘cult’ that emerges every few months on TikTok only serves to further muddle things for everyone.

Calm yourself, a TikTok ‘cult’ isn’t like something out of a horror movie; it’s merely a large community of TikTok users that identify as part of the same group and hold similar beliefs.

The Step Chicken’s Cult, recognizable by its blue profile image, became viral at first. And then there was the Lana Cult, an ardent fanbase of Lana Del Rey’s. Not to mention the Mexican Horchata Religion.

The Vegeta Cult is the latest cult to gain control of the popular video-sharing platform TikTok.

What Is the Vegeta Cult?

This week on TikTok, you’ve undoubtedly seen a lot of content on the Vegeta Cult on your “For You” page.

The term “cult” refers to a “group that shares a common interest,” which describes the Vegeta Cult to a tee: they’re all fans of Vegeta. In case you haven’t heard of him before, Vegeta is a fictional anime character from Akira Toriyama‘s Dragon Ball franchise of books, films, and TV shows, which debuted in 1984.

vegeta cult: what is it? how does everyone have a green jacket profile picture

He is the heir of the Saiyan dynasty, an extraterrestrial warrior race, and is widely regarded as one of the most iconic figures in not only Dragon Ball but all of anime.

The Vegeta Cult, which began in June and has now grown to become one of TikTok’s largest ‘cults,’ appears to have been created by user @ vegetated.

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Initial Steps Into the Vegeta Cults

Simply switching your TikTok profile photo will get you initiated into the cult.

Seemingly any anime character can be your profile photo so long as they’re sporting the classic Dragon Ball ‘SAB’ green jacket.

After that, you’ll be inducted into the Vegeta Cult, but then what?

vegeta cult: what is it? how does everyone have a green jacket profile picture

For the Vegeta Cult, the end goal is straightforward. Become dominant in the online world.

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It is mandatory that once you have updated your profile photo and joined the “cult,” you constantly promote the Vegeta Cult on all of your social media accounts.

The goal of the TikTok “cults” seems to be to confuse the general public and take control of the app.

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