Netflix has just released a thrilling new series called ‘Missing You,’ based on Harlan Coben’s gripping novels, captivating audiences since its premiere on January 1, 2024. The show combines mystery with intense emotions, as it follows Detective Kat Donovan on her mission to solve her father’s murder and the sudden reappearance of her fiancé after a long absence. The cast is filled with talented actors who bring this dramatic story to life, and we’re here to break it down for you!
Rosalind Eleazar in ‘Missing You’
Leading the cast is Rosalind Eleazar, who portrays Detective Inspector Kat Donovan. Rosalind steps into a role that showcases her brilliant detective skills as she works tirelessly to find answers about both her father’s tragic death and the mysterious disappearance of her fiancé, Josh. According to Rosalind, this character is one of the most grounded she has ever played, adding depth to the intense narrative of the show and helping viewers connect emotionally with her journey.
Richard Armitage as Stagger in Missing You
The talented Richard Armitage takes on the role of Sergeant Ellis Stagger, a character with a complicated relationship with Kat. He wants to remove her from the case, leading to a thrilling push-and-pull dynamic between them. Richard’s portrayal adds tension and depth, making each scene he’s in captivating for the audience.
Ashley Walters as Josh in ‘Missing You’
Ashley Walters plays the pivotal role of Josh Buchanan, Kat’s fiancé, who mysteriously returns after being missing for eleven years. Josh’s sudden reappearance adds layers of intrigue to the story as Kat must navigate her feelings of love, betrayal, and unanswered questions that the past holds.
James Nesbitt as Calligan in Missing You
James Nesbitt delivers a stunning performance as Calligan, a dangerous criminal kingpin. He is suspected of being involved in Kat’s father’s murder, and his presence heightens the stakes for Kat as she digs deeper into the dark secrets surrounding her family. James, known for his impressive acting skills, takes this role to new heights, leaving the audience on the edge of their seats.
Mary Malone as Aqua in ‘Missing You’
Mary Malone is a standout in the series as Aqua Vanech, Kat’s close friend and a skilled yoga teacher. Aqua’s role is crucial as she provides emotional support to Kat while being at the center of the unfolding drama. Mary’s portrayal of Aqua is a breakthrough moment in her career, and she adds a refreshing energy to the ensemble cast, making her character relatable and engaging.
Jessica Plummer as Stacey – Supportive Detective in Missing You
Jessica Plummer plays Stacey, a private investigator who assists Kat in her search for the truth. Teaming up with Kat helps to create a strong dynamic between the characters, and Jessica shines brightly throughout the series, bringing the essence of teamwork to the narrative.
Brigid Zengeni as Odette in Missing You
Brigid Zengeni portrays Odette, Kat’s mother who wishes to forget the past. Brigid’s tender depiction of a mother struggling with painful memories adds an emotional layer to the story, creating an engaging contrast to Kat’s relentless pursuit of justice.
More Talents in the Cast
- Charlie Hamblett plays a detective aiding Kat’s investigation.
- Marc Warren embodies Monte Leburne, a dying criminal entwined in the plot’s web of deceit.
- Lenny Henry portrays Clint Donovan, Kat’s murdered father and a police officer entangled in dark secrets.
- Steve Pemberton features as Titus, a dog breeder with mysterious connections.
- Oscar Kennedy plays Brendan, who seeks Kat’s assistance with his own troubling family mystery.
Catch ‘Missing You’ Now!
This five-part mystery thriller is packed with twists and emotional depth, making it a must-watch for anyone who loves a good suspenseful story. With such a talented cast bringing complex characters to life, ‘Missing You’ promises to keep viewers on their toes and wondering what will happen next in this intricate game of secrets and lies. Be sure to check it out on Netflix today and join Kat on her gripping journey!