Baseball Bat and Ball Cost 1.10: Here is an Explanation of The Riddle’s Solution!

Many people are stumped by the “baseball bat and ball cost 1.10 puzzle.” Struggling to understand? The solution is here, so stop fretting. We’ve resorted to a variety of methods to keep ourselves occupied and entertained throughout the lockdown.

The bulk of us have engaged in more expected activities like gardening, cooking, watching movies and television, and working out, but surprisingly, there has also been an abundance of puzzles.

In the past few months, many people have used social media to distribute a plethora of riddles to their circle of friends and acquaintances. Some are brand new, while the very best are revivals of old ideas.

They’ve made it easy to exercise our brains, but the newest one has left many people completely befuddled.

Baseball Bat and Ball Cost 1.10 Riddle

Okay, let’s get into the conundrum:

Before you quickly look up the answer, stop and give it some thought.

baseball bat and ball cost 1.10: here is an explanation of the riddle's solution

Not understanding it yet?

Not to worry, though. Look below for the solution.

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Right Here Is the Retarded Result

To solve the “bat and ball” puzzle, you need just to spend five cents. A lot of people will say 10, which is obviously wrong. We’ll explain.

If the total is $1.10, then the ball must cost 5 cents and the bat must cost $1.05.

baseball bat and ball cost 1.10: here is an explanation of the riddle's solution

The total would be $1.20 if the ball cost 10 cents. It’s a bit of a conundrum, as most readers will assume the bat costs exactly $1.00.

Check to see if your loved ones can decipher it. Meanwhile, here’s another puzzle for you to solve:

In other words, “What can you see in the midst of March and April that you can’t see at the beginning or the conclusion of both months?”

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