
Hannah Tubbs Before and After – Trans Pedophile | Check out Latest Updates in 2022!

LOS ANGELES, CA – Explicit Los Angeles jailhouse recordings of Hannah Tubbs, the 26-year-old trans child molester who pleaded guilty to molesting a 10-year-old in 2014 and received a slap on the wrist last month, show her recognizing it was horrible to attack a little girl but gloating about the minimal penalty.

She claimed that because of Democrat District Attorney George Gascón’s policy, she wouldn’t have to go back to prison or register as a sex offender when she pled guilty. She also made unprintable remarks about the victim.

Tubbs states in one recording, “I’m going to plead out to it, plead guilty.” “They’re going to put me on probation, and it’ll be dropped, and I won’t have to register or do anything.”

Later in the conversation, her father on the other line asks, “You won’t have to register?”

Tubbs responds, “I won’t have to do none of that.”

“What will they do to you then?”

Tubbs replies, “Nothing,” and then chuckles.

Tubbs admitted to the cold case attack last month

Tubbs pleaded guilty last month to the cold case attack, which occurred in a Denny’s women’s restroom when the suspect was two weeks shy of 18 and was identified as a male named James Tubbs. Tubbs began identifying as a woman after being detained about eight years after the incident, according to prosecutors.

Gascón’s office refused to transfer the case to adult court, citing one of the progressive prosecutor’s day-one directives prohibiting “children” from being tried as adults. She could be released in as short as six months and will not be required to register as a sex offender.

Tubbs’ victim, who was ten years old at the time of the attack, told Fox News Digital that Gascón’s handling of the case was “insulting” and “unfair” to her.

hannah tubbs before and after - Trans pedophile

“The things he did to me and forced me to do that day were beyond horrific for a ten-year-old child to have to endure,” she added. “I want him to stand trial as an adult for his crimes against me.”

She claimed the small punishment was disrespectful and infuriating, and that it provided her with “no actual justice.”

“I’ve also heard that my attacker now uses the pronouns she/them,” she continued. “I believe it is also unjust to trial him as a woman, given that he clearly did not act like one on January 1, 2014.”

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Tubbs requests the caller to start using female pronouns in one of the calls

“Now they’re going to put me with other trannies who have seen situations like mine or with one tranny like me who has a case like mine,” Tubbs explains. “So please address me as her when you come to court.”

hannah tubbs before and after - Trans pedophile

Then she says that if she goes to prison, she’ll get sex change surgery so she can go to the women’s institution, to which the other person replies, “There’s some b—-es in there too.”

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Gascón responded to the allegations in a statement released on Sunday

“Like any responsible office, we learn as we go, take community feedback, and make necessary adjustments based on our experiences and the complex nature of this work,” he said, adding that “a small number of cases” necessitate flexibility that his prosecutors are not allowed to have under his edicts.

hannah tubbs before and after - Trans pedophile
“The Hannah Tubbs case taught us a lot about the necessity for a policy safety valve,” Gascón added.

He also admitted that Tubbs committed other crimes following the 2014 attack, including one in which DNA evidence tied her to Denny’s assault.

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After the juvenile offense, Ms. Tubbs faced several prosecutions in other counties

“Ms. Tubbs had multiple charges in various counties after the juvenile offense, but she never received any assistance,” Gascón said. “I became aware of really distressing statements she made regarding her case, the settlement of it, and the little girl she hurt after she was sentenced in our case.”

The recordings, on the other hand, were made in November, and prosecutors were aware of them, according to sources.

Gascón’s chief deputy Sharon Woo submitted a note to prosecutors last Wednesday asking them to reconsider a blanket ban on prosecuting adolescents in adult court.

hannah tubbs before and after - Trans pedophile

Gascón’s office denied the move had anything to do with the Tubbs case at the time, instead stating that it happened as prosecutors awaited a succession of state Supreme Court decisions that were likely to remand many cases back to Los Angeles.

Then, in a series of five memos delivered to staff on Friday, Gascón walked back his prior directions, indicating that exceptions might be made to bring charges that carry life terms without parole and allow juveniles to be tried in adult court once more. He will keep his office from pursuing the death penalty.

“After listening to the community, victims, and coworkers,” Gascón admitted that his policies were too strict.

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