
Charlotte Nash Before and After: Check Here What Happened with Nash in Detail with Photos

A male common chimpanzee named Travis, who lived from October 21, 1995, to February 16, 2009, worked as an animal actor in a number of television programmes, commercials, and shows, including The Maury Povich Show and The Man Show. In Stamford, Connecticut, on February 16, 2009, Travis attacked and mauled his owner’s friend[8], blinding her, severing many body parts, and cutting open her face. Travis was then shot and killed by a responding police officer. The incident gained widespread media attention.
Charla Nash believes she has always been a survivor, and she needed all the courage she could muster after being attacked by a friend’s chimpanzee and suffering horrible wounds.

In a Frightening Attack, Travis the Chimpanzee Tore Off Charla’s Face and Hands.

When Travis was just three days old, his mother was shot dead while attempting to flee the Missouri Chimpanzee Sanctuary in the United States. Travis was then adopted by Sandra and Jerome Herold.
Travis, who was brought home by his adoptive parents and named after Sandra’s favourite musician, Travis Tritt, quickly integrated into the family.

charlotte nash before and after

He frequently commuted to work with the dedicated couple and went shopping with them frequently.
Everyone who knew the family knew Travis, who was always willing to smile for pictures at Herold’s trucking firm.

In Jerome’s Tow Truck, the Chimpanzee Was an Identifiable Figure.

The chimpanzee was a recognisable character in Jerome’s tow truck; he rode next to his master, dressed in a baseball shirt, and always made sure his seatbelt was fastened.
He was even good friends with the police, who he would wave at when he and Jerome were with them to tow a car.

charlotte nash before and after

Being surrounded by people and a member of the Herold family virtually since birth, Travis was accustomed to them and enjoyed getting along with others that lived around Sandra and Jerome.
He listened better than my nephews, according to a neighbour with whom the chimp liked to play wrestle.
Travis even adopted many of his human family’s characteristics, including the ability to use a key to enter locked doors, dress, water plants, and even feed hay to the Herolds’ horses.

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Travis Sat at The Dining Table with The Rest of The Family, Making Mealtimes in The Herold Home Unique.

Travis sat at the dinner table with the rest of the family and even drank wine from a stemmed wine glass, making mealtimes in the Herold household special occasions.
The strange animal had a sweet tooth for ice cream and even knew when the ice cream trucks would pass by his house.
And Travis was eager to learn about technology; he was able to use a computer to look at photographs, watch TV with remote control, and enjoyed watching baseball games.

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Travis Had Even Taken Driving Lessons and Had Driven a Car on Multiple Occasions.

After Jerome, Sandra’s devoted husband passed away from cancer in 2004, his presence in her home was a great consolation.
At the time she called her friend Sandra, Charla Nash was 55. During the visit, Travis stole Sandra’s car keys and fled the house. Charla went to assist her friend in bringing Travis back inside.
But something broke in Travis when he noticed Charla clutching one of his favourite toys, a Tickle Me Elmo.

charlotte nash before and after

She had lately changed her hair, and despite the fact that he had known her for a while, there are accusations he was startled by this and lost his temper.
Travis was also on medication for Lyme disease at the time of the horrible attack.
Sandra, who was 70 at the time, hurried to her friend’s help and attacked Travis by stabbing and striking him with a shovel.

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Travis Returned to His House After Officer Frank Chiafari Shot Him Multiple Times at The Close Range.

Travis returned to his house, where he was discovered dead just outside his cage after Officer Frank Chiafari shot him many times at the point-blank range.
For Charla, however, things would never be the same again. The rescue personnel at the site described her horrific injuries as “horrendous,” which she had sustained.
Travis broke the bones in the middle of her face and completely tore off her hands, nose, lips, and eyes.
Her injuries were so serious that hospital workers were offered counselling as a result of the trauma of treating her after being hurried into surgery, where she underwent a seven-hour procedure.
Just a few months after the attack, Charla bravely made an appearance on the Oprah Winfrey Show and courageously disclosed her injuries.

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