Jet Stream Manipulation Claims Debunked Amidst Hurricane Lee's Fury

Jet Stream Manipulation Claims Debunked Amidst Hurricane Lee’s Fury

A man claims that the storm’s path was controlled by manipulating jet streams.

Jet Stream Manipulation Claims Debunked Amidst Hurricane Lee's Fury
Jet Stream Manipulation Claims Debunked Amidst Hurricane Lee’s Fury ( Photo: NY Post )

A man alleges that Category 5 Hurricane Lee was artificially engineered using jet stream manipulation techniques

However, experts unanimously assert that jet stream manipulation technology is not advanced enough to create or influence hurricanes. Hurricane Lee, like most hurricanes, formed due to specific atmospheric conditions, reaching Category 5 status on September 7 with winds of 160 mph. By September 12, it weakened to a Category 1 as it moved towards New England and Canada.

Geoengineering, a large-scale intervention in natural systems, is designed to combat climate change, encompassing solar and carbon techniques. Yet, it cannot generate significant weather events like hurricanes. Solar geoengineering, the most discussed form, is deemed too imprecise to influence specific weather patterns.

According to Josh Horton, program manager of Harvard’s Solar Geoengineering Research Program, claims of jet stream manipulation hurricanes are baseless. Additionally, Simon Nicholson and Alan Robock of American University and Rutgers University respectively, affirm that no technology exists to control hurricanes.

Former NOAA director, Frank Marks, confirms that any man-made impacts on Hurricane Lee were likely inadvertent and within the natural variability of tropical cyclones

The assertion that jet stream manipulation played a role in Hurricane Lee’s formation is unfounded. While jet stream manipulation is theoretically possible, experts consider it impractical, costly, and time-intensive. Hugh Willoughby, a participant in the Project Stormfury program, points out that the energy required to alter a hurricane’s trajectory far exceeds current technological capabilities.

Ultimately, Hurricane Lee’s formation was attributed to atmospheric conditions, specifically an African Easterly Wave an established phenomenon in hurricane genesis. This disproves the notion that jet stream manipulation played a role in the storm’s development. Similar claims regarding Hurricane Hilary were debunked in the past, reaffirming the scientific consensus on hurricane formation.


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