Ambassador Linda Thomas-Greenfield, who presided over the UN Security Council in August, acknowledged Russia’s attempts to disrupt proceedings and expressed disappointment in their behavior as a Permanent Member of the UN Security Council.

The UN Security Council’s crucial work faced significant challenges in the past month, despite Russia’s best efforts to obstruct it, according to the United States
The strained relations between the US and Russia, exacerbated by the ongoing conflict in Ukraine since February 2022, have led to diverging stances on various global issues, including North Korea‘s weapons programs and African coups.
Following Russia’s veto of the extension of sanctions on Mali, Thomas-Greenfield indicated that the UN Security Council might explore additional measures but suggested seeking Russia’s perspective. Russia had signaled its opposition to further sanctions, leaving the situation uncertain.
Despite this setback, the US remains committed to pursuing a path toward peace in Mali
The sanctions were initially enforced in 2017 and were directed at those who were undermining a peace agreement from 2015, and involved in attacks against peacekeepers. These sanctions were due to lapse, leading to frustration over the UN Security Council’s inability to extend them. The end of the US presidency was a positive outcome for the UN Security Council, even though it faced difficulties due to Russia’s actions.
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