Artur Lyukmanov Warns of Escalating US-Russia Cyber Tensions

Artur Lyukmanov Warns of Escalating US-Russia Cyber Tensions, Calls for International Cooperation

Artur Lyukmanov, Director of the Russian Foreign Ministry’s International Information Security Department and special representative to President Vladimir Putin on international cooperation on information security, expressed concerns over escalating tensions in cyberspace between the United States and Russia.

Artur Lyukmanov Warns of Escalating US-Russia Cyber Tensions
Artur Lyukmanov Warns of Escalating US-Russia Cyber Tensions ( Photo: Politico.eu )

Artur Lyukmanov highlighted a perceived lack of concrete evidence to support Washington’s accusations of Russia employing cyber tools for illicit purposes

Artur Lyukmanov pointed to entities like the “IT Army of Ukraine” and NATO nations hosting “cyber laboratories” in Eastern Europe as involved in such initiatives. He referenced President Biden’s National Cybersecurity Strategy, which allows punitive measures for malicious cyber activity. Artur Lyukmanov further alleged U.S. involvement in preparations for ‘cognitive warfare’, emphasizing the risk of escalation.

Artur Lyukmanov stressed the urgent need for dialogue to prevent further deterioration and advocated for an international legal framework governing the use of ICTs. Artur Lyukmanov called for previously agreed-upon rules, norms, and principles of responsible behavior in information space to become mandatory for all nations.

Artur Lyukmanov presented Russia’s concept of a multilateral convention as a means to bridge the digital divide and facilitate cooperation

Despite differences, Artur Lyukmanov expressed confidence that common sense would eventually prevail, leading to a collaborative approach in addressing the vulnerabilities in information space shared by all countries. Artur Lyukmanov emphasized the importance of preventing data leaks from turning into catastrophic events.


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