Secretary of Defense Discusses Secret Hospitalization

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Secretary of Defense Lloyd Austin finally spoke out about his unannounced multi-day stay, thanking Walter Reed Medical Center workers. Austin acknowledged difficulties after surgery that required a five-day hospital stay, citing transparency concerns. He acknowledged the media’s concerns and promised to increase public communication.

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Defense Secretary Acknowledges Transparency Concerns Amidst Undisclosed Hospitalization

Austin’s illness remained unknown to the Pentagon, Congress, and even President Joe Biden until five days after his Walter Reed admission. Austin acknowledged the transparency concerns highlighted by the delay in alerting important players and promised to improve disclosure.

Austin’s hospitalization was announced to top White House officials and National Security Council members like Jake Sullivan three days later. Senator Tom Cotton called for penalties if the White House was kept in the dark, as reports suggest Biden was not swiftly told.

Cotton stressed the Secretary of Defense‘s importance in the chain of command, especially for major choices, and asked Austin to address the worrisome findings immediately.

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Defense Secretary Austin Addresses Undisclosed Hospitalization, Vows Improved Transparency

After acknowledging the transparency issue, Austin did not disclose the complications that led to his hospitalization or the delay. He was relieved to be recovering and looked forward to returning to the Pentagon. Austin claimed personal responsibility for the medical procedure and disclosure decisions.

Finally, Secretary of Defense Lloyd Austin addressed his undisclosed hospitalization controversy. Austin thanked his therapist and acknowledged transparency concerns, but he did not explain the issues or delays. The message assures the public and officials that he takes full responsibility for his medical decisions and will increase transparency in the future.

READ ALSO: Defense Secretary Breaks Silence on His Secret Hospitalization