Pentagon Watchdog Reveals Lack of Accountability for Over $1 Billion in Military Aid to Ukraine

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A Pentagon investigation found that the U.S. failed to oversee nearly $1 billion in military weapons sent to Ukraine to fight Russia. The Defense Department’s inspector general’s study shows that 59% of Ukraine’s $1.7 billion in defense material cannot be tracked due to monitoring issues, raising concerns about abuse or theft. The Biden administration claims no weapons were taken, but the audit contradicts previous assurances about tight surveillance to prevent misallocation of U.S. military aid to Ukraine.

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Monitoring Flaws in U.S. Aid to Ukraine Highlight Accountability Challenges

Despite Ukraine’s corruption, the audit shows monitoring flaws, making military equipment accounting difficult. The results may hinder President Joe Biden’s efforts to get congressional permission for more U.S. military and financial aid to Ukraine, which is fighting Russian soldiers. Biden’s request for $105 billion for Ukraine, Israel, and other national security goals has faced House Republican opposition.

The audit shows that Ukraine wasn’t given an accurate serial-number inventory of defense articles, especially sensitive technology. The Defense Department’s failure to adopt adequate end-use monitoring procedures in a combat zone until December 2022, restricted staffing, travel limitations in Ukraine, and a lack of inventory internal controls add to the monitoring deficiency.

While advancements have been made since the first year of the war, manpower limits and accountability issues prevent a thorough accounting of military assets.

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US Lacks Funding for Additional Military Aid to Ukraine, Audit Reveals Accountability Challenges

No financing remains for additional military aid to Ukraine, according to National Security Council spokesperson John Kirby. Ukraine received tens of billions in U.S. military aid, including air defense. Although it did not find any help diverted, the audit acknowledged continuing investigations into criminal exploitation of security assistance.

Despite the audit’s issues, Defense Department officials intend to improve monitoring mechanisms this year and next. Contrary to Russian disinformation, Brig. Gen. Patrick Ryder said there was no credible proof of Ukraine stealing U.S.-supplied modern conventional weaponry. The audit may influence military assistance decisions and increase scrutiny of conflict zone aid.

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