DNC Must Stop Calling Primary ‘Insignificant’ in New Hampshire
The Democratic National Committee (DNC) has been ordered by New Hampshire Attorney General John Formella to stop calling the primary “meaningless.” The letter to DNC Rules and Bylaws Committee (RBC) co-chairs Minyon Moore and James Roosevelt Jr. disputed an earlier DNC directive to the NHDP.
New Hampshire Attorney General Challenges DNC’s ‘Meaningless’ Label for Primary
The recommendation advised publicizing the state’s January 23 primary as “a non-binding presidential preference event and is meaningless.” Formella claims such utterances violate the state’s voter suppression statutes since the New Hampshire election is not meaningless.’
The DNC’s calendar change put South Carolina’s primary ahead of New Hampshire’s, the first-in-the-nation primary. President Biden supported this proposal to address diversity issues in Iowa and New Hampshire.
Despite objections from New Hampshire Democrats, Secretary of State David Scanlan announced the primary on January 23 against the DNC plan. Delegate allotment will not be based on the January 23 event, the DNC warned.
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New Hampshire Democrats Defy DNC, Vow to Uphold State’s Primary Date
After receiving the cease-and-desist letter, the New Hampshire Democratic Party pledged to hold the Secretary of State-mandated first-in-the-nation primary. The DNC was blasted, “Well, it’s safe to say in New Hampshire, the DNC is less popular than the NY Yankees.”
New Hampshire Democrats expect high voter turnout on January 23, citing state law over the DNC’s amended date. The DNC has not responded to the cease-and-desist order.
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