Will the current Affordable Connectivity Program Extension Act participants be extended?
Through the Affordable Access Program, the US government is attempting to provide low-cost access to citizens of the US. Legislators in the United States put out a $7 billion plan in January to continue this program, which now serves 23 million homes.
The ACP registers and serves families whose income does not exceed 200% of the federal poverty limits using internet service providers. Under this program, low-income families can receive $30 off their internet subscription, while qualifying families on tribal land can receive savings of up to $75 per month.
Although the new concept hasn’t been implemented yet, this could help stop unexpected increases in the cost of internet service for millions of Americans.
Can ACP benefits be extended by this new bill?
There is a strong likelihood that the new bill will expand ACP beneficiaries, assuming it is approved for funding. But, given the severe circumstances of the present, people who face a jump in the cost of their internet subscriptions must take immediate action. They can voice their desire for this bill to be passed by calling a congressional representative.
Kindly communicate the message to your congressional representative. The more calls these members of Congress receive, the more likely it is that this law will pass without any problems. Another choice is to give your supervisor a call and explain the significance of this law to you.
Though there aren’t many nonpartisan topics these days, support for extending the ACP is expanding and bipartisan. There is a fair likelihood that this bill will succeed because not many subjects these days seem to be nonpartisan. People only need to voice their interest in mass communication; their congressional representatives will handle the rest. The clock is ticking for those who want the passage of this bill.