
Westfield Woman Arrested For Making Fake Bomb Threat To Children’s Hospital Pleads Guilty

A Westfield woman arrested for making a fake bomb threat to a children’s hospital pleaded guilty.

Boston Children's Hospital
A Westfield woman arrested for making a fake bomb threat to a children’s hospital pleaded guilty. (Photo: WBUR)

Westfield Woman Arrested Pleads Guilty of Making Fake Bomb Threat to Children’s Hospital

A 37-year-old Westfield woman arrested identified as Catherine Leavy was accused of making a fake bomb threat to a children’s hospital as the Westfield woman arrested claimed that a bomb was on the hospital and the people inside the hospital should evacuate.

According to a report published in MassLive, the children’s hospital received a call from the Westfield woman arrested about the bomb threat, forcing the hospital to implement a lockdown in the area, believing the threat of the Westfield woman arrested.

During the investigation, authorities tracked the phone number and found the Westfield woman arrested, who initially denied the allegations; however, the Westfield woman arrested later admitted to calling in the fake bomb threat but claimed that she didn’t intend to bomb the children’s hospital.

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Westfield Woman Arrested Receives Up to 10 Years in Prison After Making Fake Bomb Threat to Children’s Hospital

The Westfield woman arrested was later sentenced to up to ten years in prison and a three-year supervised release after making a fake bomb threat to the children’s hospital, AP News reported.

Aside from the threat made by the Westfield woman arrested, the children’s hospital has received various threats and harassment through calls and emails directed towards the hospital following issues.

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