The American Supreme Court needs to be abolished

It appears like hell has reached Earth.

The Colorado web developer Lorie Smith was granted permission to ban same-sex couples by the Supreme Court on Friday, 6 to 3, by enabling companies all around the US, such as in progressive areas like California, to decline to help LGBTQ+ people.

This idea is not new; it was challenged in the Colorado bakery case years ago, which raised the possibility of refusing to serve someone for expressing themselves and liking what they love. Yet, there appears to be a wider campaign happening, with the anti-trans measures overtaking the states and the Supreme Court decision against affirmative action and student loan debt.

It is a fact. It used to be simple for people to neglect what happened in Florida and Texas, but that is no longer the case. The Los Angeles Times stated that “The judgment also goes to states like California where civil rights laws ban discrimination due to sexual preference.”

Smith claimed that it is under her initial amendment right to refuse same-sex union ceremonies since doing so would violate her Christian religion and “demand her” to act so.

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