While working above the age of 70 may result in increased Social Security payments, it may also result in higher taxes and other costs
First of all, congrats on waiting until the age of 70 to begin receiving Social Security. As a result, you got the most out of your monthly salary. Many people will benefit from this decision!
Despite the fact that Uncle Sam offers you a premium for delaying Social Security payments, he does not exempt you from paying Social Security taxes. Social Security taxes must be paid as long as you have earned income (such as salary or wages), which is 2022 will be capped at $147,000 per year. That means you’ll still be responsible for paying Social Security and other payroll taxes if you continue to work, right?
Due to your advanced age
You will not be subject to an income-based benefit reduction. Nobody should be denied benefits because of their financial situation. Social Security benefits could be affected if you begin receiving them before reaching the age of retirement (FRA). No of how much money you make now, your monthly Social Security payment will be affected by your past earnings and how much you make in the future. Because of this.

In order to receive Social Security payments, you must use your 35 most recent years of tax-free work.
You may get an idea of how much you’ll get in a monthly Social Security benefit by looking at your 35 best-earning years, adjusted for inflation up to the maximum annual taxable amount.
An individual’s monthly benefit will be limited by this rule. A total of $3,345 will be available each month in 2022 for FRA’s monthly maximum. For those who wait until their full retirement age (FRA), they can receive delayed retirement credits up to the age of 70, which will raise their monthly benefit.
If you work past your FRA, you may be able to get more money from the government, depending on the circumstances.
If you continue to work and earn money, would your monthly benefits increase?
If your current income is more than one of your 35 highest-earning years to date, you may be eligible for higher compensation. Some examples of what I’m referring to.
The first thing to keep in mind is for each of those 35 years, you earned the maximum taxable income (or more). Your right to full compensation is already established if this is true. You may have many other reasons to continue working, but you won’t obtain a greater Social Security benefit if you do so.
Let’s imagine, on the other hand, that in the early years of your profession, your earnings were lower than the annual maximum taxable income. To replace a lower-earning year, you must earn more now than you did in one of the 35 highest-earning years that have been indexed for pay inflation in the past 35 years.
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An increase in income could result in a greater monthly Social Security benefit
Because benefits are computed annually. As a result, your monthly Social Security benefit may not be affected substantially because 35 years of income are taken into account when determining your total lifetime benefit. Even the smallest rise in Social Security benefits can have a big impact over time.
Concerns about taxes and Medicare costs are among them.
So far, the news is excellent, but you should be warned that working over the age of 70 may increase your taxes and Medicare payments.
Your taxable income would rise if you have to take out RMDs from your IRA
Traditional retirement plans require you to take a required minimum distribution (RMD) at the age of 70 or 72. Taxes may be levied at a greater rate because of this, especially if you earn other taxable income as well. In addition to potentially increasing your taxable income, you would almost certainly be required to pay taxes on your Social Security benefits, as I will discuss below.
You may have to pay taxes on your Social Security benefits if your income increases
Your annual income will determine how much of your Social Security benefits are subject to income tax. There is a tax on up to 50% of your benefits for single filers earning between $25,000 and $34,000; for filers earning $34,000 or more, the tax rate increases to up to 85%. The current limits for married couples filing jointly are $32,000-$44,000 and $44,000 and above.

You may be charged more for Medicare premiums if you earn over a particular amount of money for Medicare Parts B and D. As of 2022, the thresholds are $91,000 for individuals filing individually and $182,000 for couples filing jointly. However, if you are still covered by your employer’s healthcare plan, you may be allowed to postpone taking Part B and D.
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Consult with your financial advisor or accountant
Your financial advisor or accountant can be a good source of information when it comes to your finances. It’s wonderful to be able to keep working for a variety of reasons. In fact, the Bureau of Labor Statistics expects the largest yearly rise in the labor force between the ages of 65 and 75 until 2024. If you’re still working at this stage in your life, make sure you understand how it will affect your financial condition.
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