Sen. Schumer Calls FDA To Investigate Prime Company, Allegedly Their Energy Drink Has High Caffeine

Sen. Schumer Calls FDA To Investigate Prime Company, Allegedly Their Energy Drink Has High Caffeine

Senator Charles Schumer asked the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) to investigate PRIME Company, a beverage company owned by Logan Paul and KSI. The parents must be warned about the drink made by PRIME Company with high amounts of caffeine.

Sen. Schumer Calls FDA To Investigate Prime Company, Allegedly Their Energy Drink Has High Caffeine
Sen. Schumer Calls FDA To Investigate Prime Company, Allegedly Their Energy Drink Has High Caffeine (Photo: CBS News)


The main target of PRIME Company is the kids under 18, said Senator Charles Schumer

The PRIME Company has become very popular among young people, despite a label on the drunk bottles noting that the drink is not recommended for children under 18. The 12-oz. drink contains 200 milligrams of caffeine,  equivalent to two Red Bulls or half a dozen Coke cans.

The PRIME Company also sells a drink that does not contain caffeine, according to the PRIME Company website.

The problem is that the PRIME Company has so much caffeine in its product, and Red Bull feels shame.

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PRIME Company did not respond to Schumer’s remarks

The FDA says healthy adults can drink around 400 milligrams of caffeine daily without side effects, but to children, it has limits. The Senator asked the FDA to investigate PRIME Company for the alleged high caffeine in their beverages.

Some schools have banned PRIME Company products.

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