Trump, According to Senator Richard Shelby, Is “interesting” but “different.”
- Senator Richard Shelby believes Republicans have a decent shot at the president in 2024, but not with Donald Trump.
- Shelby added, “If the Republicans get a solid candidate in 2024, we’ll have a good shot at the president.” Trump? Perhaps. Maybe someone else. New face. But we’ll probably win. Before 1-1/2 years. That’s long.”
- Shelby said Trump is an “interesting guy” who faces competition from Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis. Shelby’s comments came hours before Trump announced his 2024 presidential bid from Mar-a-Lago.
- Shelby, who chaired the Senate Appropriations Committee during Trump’s presidency, said the former president “had a lot of wonderful attributes” stated Shelby. “He was my Appropriations leader. When he visited Alabama, I rode Air Force One with him.
- Shelby has traveled with him. “He’s probably sick. He has many problems. He’s decent. I think the hard left has him now. He’s a centrist Democrat in the Senate. Moderately liberal This party moved left.
- Shelby said Trump didn’t “do well” in supporting midterm candidates, echoing other Republicans. Some in the party blame Trump’s poor showing on backing underperforming candidates. Trump termed midterm criticism “fake news” in his announcement.