
Sen. Feinstein comeback to Washington has severely divided California Democrats

Democrat Donna Perkins recognizes Sen. Dianne Feinstein’s unwillingness to be told what she should do as she wraps down her political career as reaches her retirement age.

The most senior senator from California has previously stated that she will never seek reelection, and others claim that demands for her to resign early are motivated by sexism and age discrimination.

Perkins is more worried than before regarding the 89-year-old senator’s capacity to speak for 39 million Californians when observing headlines of Feinstein’s come back to the nation’s capital this past week in a wheelchair continuing to be fragile after an almost 3-month leave from Washington as she retrieved from shingles.

“You know I don’t wish to be like that. I’m approaching my 65th birthday. Someone needs to tell Donna, “Hey, you’re aware of what? It’s time to hand the keys off. “It’s sad, but it’s also unfair,” remarked 64-year-old Perkins.

Perkins was one of around a dozen Democrats who met at the Highland Park branch of a Los Angeles library on Thursday night to witness a live-streamed U.S. Senate candidate event including Reps.

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