Diddy’s Son, Justin Combs, 29 years old, was arrested and charged with driving under the influence subsequently after a routine traffic stop observation.

Justin Combs is the eldest son of Sean Diddy
Justin Combs is the music impresario Sean Diddy’s son. Police arrested him after driving under the influence at a traffic stop.
Los Angeles Police officials confirmed that Sean Diddy’s son Justin was arrested following a routine traffic stop observation in the Beverly Hills area.
Police Officers conducted a traffic stop observation for a driver who was possibly under the influence of alcohol or drugs.
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Diddy’s son arrested after driving under the influence
The police investigation revealed that Diddy’s son was driving under the influence. But the police did not say if Diddy’s son had drugs or alcohol in his body system.
Diddy’s son was booked into jail. Police could not tell if Diddy’s son had been bailed out yet.
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