Pennsylvania former registered nurse accused of killing her patients by giving excessive amounts of Insulin said a man is better off dead.

A Pennsylvania former registered nurse is being held in Butler County Prison
A Pennsylvania former registered nurse was arrested and charged with two murder counts after allegedly giving excessive insulins to her patients. A Pennsylvania former registered nurse was accused of killing her two men patients.
Heather Pressdee, a registered nurse, worked at a nursing facility in Chicora when she perpetrated the crimes. During his duty, the registered nurse administered insulin shots to an 83-year-old man and a 55-year-old elder because she felt their life was not good and they were better off dead.
The Pennsylvania former registered nurse allegedly failed to kill her third victim, who survived after immediate emergency care.
During all three incidents, Pennsylvania former registered nurse was working at the nursing home
All three victims were Pennsylvania former registered nurse patients. The registered nurse injected her patients with insulins to kill them instead of caring for them.
Besides two Murder counts, the Pennsylvania former registered nurse was also charged with assault, reckless endangerment, and neglect of a care-dependent person.