One Of The Families Of The Idaho Murder Victims Will Face The Suspect In Court And Assure He Will Not Get Away With The Charge
Kaylee Goncalves is one of the victims of the Idaho Murder last November 2022. Her parents will face the suspect in a court hearing in June, assuring the suspect will not get away with the charge against him.
The family of the Idaho Murder victim will face the suspect in a scheduled court hearing
The parents of Kaylee Goncalves, one of the victims of the Idaho Murder last November, are speaking out before the suspect’s scheduled court hearing this coming June.
The father of Kayle Goncalves said he waits for the pieces of evidence to be presented for Idaho Murder, or he will bring it, and the suspect will grasp, the family of the victims assured he doesn’t get away with the charge.
Kaylee Goncalves, 21, was one of the victims of the Idaho Murder, along with three other students of the University of Idaho, on the morning of November 13, 2022.
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Idaho Murder Suspect’s preliminary hearing is on June 26, 2023
After almost seven weeks of investigating the Idaho Murder, police authorities arrested Bryan Kohberger, 28 years old and a student at Washington State University in Pullman.
The police authorities arrested the Idaho Murder suspect in Pennsylvania for the deaths of four students after his DNA was found on the knife left at the crime scene, cellphone pings, and surveillance videos.
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