Community Colleges in Alabama Provide Employability Courses at No Cost. Have to Get Going!

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  • The Alabama Community College System’s Skills for Success program speeds up job placement.
  • The program provides free job training for numerous industries, including the construction industry, which ACCS Innovation Center Director Julie Frizzell says is struggling.
  • Job-specific training by AIDT, an independent agency under Alabama’s Secretary of Commerce, promotes economic growth.
  • Free training is available in several areas to new and expanding businesses around the state.
  • AIDT was founded to promote a strong state economy by recruiting and educating a qualified workforce to attract new and expand existing companies.
  • The training has a self-paced online component, according to Frizzell. Students then complete 16 hours of hands-on learning with authorized teachers.
  • Before ACCS adopted it for all 24 community colleges, Trenholm State Community College piloted the building program.

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