Here are some of the most dangerous neighborhoods in Mesa to never consider living in following increasing crime rates.

Most Dangerous Neighborhoods in Mesa to Avoid Moving or Living in Due to High Reported Crime Rates
If you are looking for places to move in or live in, you should look first for the most dangerous neighborhoods in Mesa to avoid, especially those that made it on this list as the most dangerous neighborhoods in Mesa have high reported crime rates.
According to a report published in Road Snacks, the most dangerous neighborhoods in Mesa include Rancho Del Mar and Glenwood-Wilbur, where there are increasing property crimes; Sunland Village East and Parkwood Ranch, where there are high violent crime rates.
Aside from the mentioned most dangerous neighborhoods in Mesa, Crismon Creek and Downtown were two of the most dangerous neighborhoods in Mesa due to many crimes reported, such as assault together with Mesa Grande, where there are high property and violent crimes.
Safety Tips to Consider Remembering Before Moving in or Living in the Most Dangerous Neighborhoods in Mesa
Before moving in or living in the most dangerous neighborhoods in Mesa, you should consider remembering safety tips that will save you from criminals, including avoiding flashing your valuables and money in public.
You should always be aware of your surroundings and the unfamiliar people around you while living in the most dangerous neighborhoods in Mesa, Travel Safe – Abroad reported.