STURGIS, Mich. (TCD) – A 39-year-old man will be imprisoned for decades for the death and dismemberment of his girlfriend in 2019, whose dismembered remains were discovered in two coolers.

Wade Allen was sentenced to 39 to 60 years in prison for second-degree homicide, two to five years for attempted dismemberment and mutilation, and 38 months to five years for attempted third-degree criminal sexual conduct, according to the Michigan Attorney General’s Office on Friday, June 2. Allen pled not guilty in January.
Allen is allegedly said to have told Steven that he put his girlfriend in a bathtub for “a little while” before “chopping her up” and storing her remains.
Officers from the Sturgis Police Department arrived at Allen’s apartment and questioned him about Warner’s location. According to court filings, Allen informed officers that Warner was not at the apartment and that he had not seen her in a long time. Warner allegedly stated that he last saw Warner in Kalamazoo, Michigan, and advised police to look for her in a shelter there.
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Officers then asked to enter Allen’s flat, which Warner rejected because his “apartment was a mess” and that “if the officers came back after he had the chance to clean it up, he would allow them entry.”
After police notified Allen that he would be detained and a search warrant would be obtained, he allegedly permitted one officer to enter his residence. When an officer asked to open a cooler, Allen allegedly indicated he was “getting ready for summer” and denied the request.
According to court documents, the officer handcuffed Allen and placed him in the backseat of a police cruiser, where he reportedly experienced “symptoms of anxiety and claustrophobia.” The officer agreed to remove the handcuffs if Allen would “accompany the officer into the apartment” and allow him to search the cooler.
When the officer opened the cooler, he discovered “what appeared to be body parts,” according to court filings, and he arrested Allen.
Allen told his cellmates in jail that he had strangled his girlfriend to death. According to the Attorney General’s Office, one of the detainees contacted authorities, and Allen sexually attacked him in revenge.
According to the Attorney General’s Office, in addition to his prison sentence, Allen will be required to pay restitution for Warner’s burial fees, prosecution charges, and related fines. Allen will also be required to register as a lifetime sex offender in Michigan.
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