Jeremy Rodgers

Michigan Man Arrested In Florida After Attacking Police Officers Using Flagpole During Capitol Riot

Michigan man arrested in Orlando, Florida, for attacking Capitol police officers using a flagpole during the riot.

Capitol Riot
Michigan man arrested in Orlando, Florida, for attacking Capitol police officers using a flagpole during the riot. (Photo: Detroit Free Press)

Michigan Man Arrested After Participating in Riot and Attacking Capitol Police Officers with Flagpole

A 28-year-old Michigan man arrested, identified as Jeremy Rodgers, for participating in a riot and attacking the Capitol police officers using a flagpole with other rioters.

During the case investigation, authorities revealed that the Michigan man arrested claimed he joined the riot to express his support for former president Donald Trump in the presidential election fraud claims, wherein the Michigan man arrested believed he had won.

According to an AP News report, the Michigan man arrested was seen carrying a flagpole while approaching the police officers at the entrance, and the Michigan man arrested reportedly used the flagpole to attack many police officers so that other rioters could enter the building.

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Michigan Man Arrested Faces Multiple Charges Together with Other Rioters After Attacking Capitol Police Officers

Following the Capitol riot, where the Michigan man arrested participated, five people reportedly died from the attacks, and several police officers were severely injured from the attacks of the Michigan man arrested and other rioters.

Together with several other rioters, the Michigan man arrested faced multiple charges, including assault, for attacking police officers using a flagpole and injuring others during the riot.

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