Many reports of bear sightings in the Houston area

Houston has a long history of bear issues during the summer.

There have been numerous bear sightings in the area, which has sparked a social media fever.

There are several bears, according to B.C. Conservation Officer Sergeant Stuart Bates. The cause is unknown to us. There may be a lot of poisonous berries and tall fruit trees in the area. Perhaps the fires, about which we are ignorant.

Bates claims that there were 54 calls in Burns Lake this past year. In August of this year, 92 calls had been received. Granisle received 17 calls in August of the previous year and 37 calls in August of this year. Houston received 57 calls in 2016 and 29 calls in August of this year.

According to Bates, trees full of fruit, feeders for birds, and garbage are what attract bears. The bears leave if they can’t get to them, but if they can, they stay.

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