Leo compatibility: How a fire sign interacts with every other sign of the zodiac

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The 5th sign of the zodiac, Leo, is affectionate without reserve. You can tell Leo is in love with you because of how tender and passionate they are with their partners.

Leos are confident and secure individuals who like feeling proud of the individuals they care about and demand that others feel the same way about them. But what zodiac signs are in special harmony with the lion? Find out more about Leos in Love by reading on.

What kind of partners does Leos make?

Leos are natural performers. Their relationships as well as their environment are played out on a stage. The limelight typically comes in the manner of attention, and they enjoy being in it. However, they are compassionate and generous, returning what they have received through effort and actions of kindness. All Leo wants in love is absolute loyalty.

According to tarot reader Blue June, Leos frequently demand that their romantic partner be equally attractive as they are.


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