President Joe Biden Chief Diplomat urged Pakistani political leaders to terminate former Prime Minister Imran Khan after he wavered to criticize Russia for its war against Ukraine.

Joe Biden Chief Diplomat encouraged Imran Khan’s removal from office after he visited Russia
Imran Khan was removed from office through Joe Biden’s Chief Diplomat encouragement in April 2022 after a controversial vote of no-confidence in the Pakistani National Assembly.
Joe Biden Chief Diplomat claimed that Imran Khan damaged the Pakistan-U.S. bilateral relationship and that the relations will be tough in the future.
Joe Biden Chief Diplomat criticized Khan for visiting Russia for bilateral economic reasons.
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Joe Biden Chief Diplomat noted that he could not have conveyed such a demarche without the express approval of the White House
On March 27, 2022, Imran Khan brandished a paper at a political rally and claimed a plot by Joe Biden Chief Diplomat against him.
He repeatedly blamed the United States or Joe Biden Chief Diplomat of the no-confidence motion, according to a Pakistani news organization.
The White House and the Pakistani Ministry of Foreign Affairs did not respond to the allegation of the former primer minsiter against Joe Biden Chief Diplomat.