Alabama Food Processing Firm to Pay $60,000 to Settle Eeoc Pregnancy Discrimination Lawsuit!
- According to the EEOC lawsuit, Keystone extended job offers to 17 former employees during job fair interviews for positions in its Eufaula plant but retracted its offer to a female former employee after a records review revealed she had filed a pregnancy discrimination complaint and an EEOC charge against her former employer.
- Keystone Foods LLC, a food processor in Eufaula, Alabama, agreed to pay $60,000 to settle an EEOC retaliation claim.
- This alleged conduct violates Title VII of the 1964 Civil Rights Act, which protects pregnant workers from employment discrimination and prohibits employers from retaliating against employees who report pregnancy discrimination or file an EEOC case.
- Keystone will give a written statement to all Eufaula employees that it won’t retaliate against employees or job applicants who engage in Title VII-protected behavior.
- Keystone supplies fresh and frozen chicken, beef, pig, and fish to the worldwide food service business. Keystone can’t discriminate or retaliate against employees for two years. Keystone will give a written statement to all employees at its Eufaula facility that it won’t punish protected activity participants.