In a recent survey conducted by Scott Rasmussen, it was revealed that a majority of American voters, by a margin of 44% to 36%, oppose Congress continuing to provide funding and weapons for Ukraine’s war with Russia.

The national survey, which included 1,000 registered voters and took place from Sept. 25-26, also shed light on how voters perceive President Joseph Robinette Biden Jr.’s handling of the foreign conflict
This sentiment was notably pronounced among self-identified Republicans and independents, with only 17% and 32% respectively in favor of ongoing funding. Among Democrats, 52% supported continued financial backing for the conflict.
Among independents, only 26% rated Joseph Robinette Biden Jr.‘s performance as excellent or good, while 61% deemed his Ukraine war policy as fair or poor. Democrats held a more favorable view, with 54% giving excellent or good marks compared to 40% who thought it was fair or poor. Conversely, only 9% of Republicans viewed Biden’s approach positively, with a striking 85% considering it fair or poor. In a broader context, 64% of American voters expressed dissatisfaction with Joseph Robinette Biden Jr.’s handling of the foreign conflict, marking the lowest approval since polling on the matter began in February 2022. This sentiment extended across demographics, including a 55% majority of black voters and a 69% majority of Hispanic voters.
Only 28% of respondents assessed the commander-in-chief’s handling as good or excellent
Moreover, participants were asked whether it was more crucial to avoid a broader war with Russia or to assist Ukraine. By a significant margin of 65% to 22%, voters favored keeping the United States out of a potential Russian conflict. This reflects a 19-percentage-point increase since the same question was posed in August. The consensus was bipartisan, with a majority of Republicans (83%), independents (57%), and Democrats (56%) aligning in the preference to steer clear of a larger conflict. The poll carried a margin of error of +/- 3.1 percentage points.