FORT WAYNE, Ind. (TCD) – A 50-year-old woman is facing charges for allegedly neglecting her nonverbal adult daughter, who was hospitalized with multiple wounds, some of which revealed bones and rods implanted in her body during surgery.

According to the probable cause affidavit, Kricket Doughman took her daughter Breanna to the hospital in Fort Wayne on Feb. 20 “due to concerns of numerous wounds on Breanna’s body.” An Adult Protective Services official learned about Breanna’s injuries and contacted the New Haven Police Department. The officer apparently saw images of Breanna’s wounds taken at the hospital and stated that there were “several wounds where the skin was opened and tissue, bone, and metal rods were exposed.”
According to reports, nurses were able to glimpse her hip bone and detected 12 wounds.
According to a nurse, Breanna’s injuries were “severe and could potentially be fatal due to infection.”
Breanna, who was born with Rett syndrome and cerebral disability, allegedly weighed only 67 pounds. The injuries “had not been properly cared for and Breanna’s current state was due to the defendant not providing her with proper care and treatment for her injuries,” according to the probable cause statement.
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Doughman allegedly informed cops and other medical personnel that the wounds were “a couple” of days old, but they had been there for at least a month or two.
In 2020, Doughman found her daughter’s toes were “missing,” and she suspected “a rat or some sort of animal had come into the house and chewed off Breanna’s toes.”
According to the affidavit, “no clear conclusion as to what actually happened to Breanna’s toes.”
Doughman reportedly told a New Haven Police officer that she was “overwhelmed with the care for Breanna” and needed assistance and that it had lately “come to a point where she couldn’t care for Breanna anymore.”
According to the investigation, doctors at the hospital “advised that Breanna could possibly not survive these injuries,” and there “appears to be a degree of neglect on Breanna’s care.”
Doughman, on the other hand, “denied any neglect.”
She apparently accepted that Breanna’s legs could have to be amputated owing to hip infection, but it “did not upset her, as this was the best thing for her at this time.”
According to the affidavit, Doughman “stated that she would never want to harm her own daughter.”
Investigators from the New Haven Police Department met with an Adult Protective Services worker, who stated that Doughman declined help that would have provided 33 hours of rehab services each week.
She was arrested on June 7 for neglect of a dependent and neglect of a dependent resulting in bodily harm. Doughman was freed on bond, according to court records.