
In a failed mugging in Northwest Houston, a woman refuses to hand up her keys

An attempted robbery in northwest Houston was unsuccessful according to the plan for the suspect.

On Monday, Houston police released security footage from the armed robbery that occurred on June 29 in a commercial parking garage at 6900 Alabonson.

According to HPD, the offender was currently at work at 7:50 a.m. when, while she was retrieving her luggage from her passenger position, a man carrying a revolver grabbed her from behind.

A man makes a move to steal from the woman, but she resists him.

According to HPD, the woman protested when he requested her car keys.

The robber’s hand is briefly knocked off, and she even snatches her stuff back from the guy.

According to HPD, this upset the suspect, who then allegedly seized her cell phone and slammed it to the ground.

In the end, the suspect escaped unarmed.

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