How much could you receive from each state’s LIHEAP program to help with air conditioning costs

The sum that Low-Income Home Energy Assistance Program beneficiaries get from these payouts varies based on which state they reside in, but it may support them to afford AC in their houses this summer.

The LIHEAP program offers participants government-sponsored help to lower the expenses of their electricity bills, energy emergencies, and modest home maintenance linked to electricity. As reported by the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, this program often aids families with low incomes, especially ones with high home energy costs or those with older people, disabled, or young children as members.

Every one of the 50 states in the US offers heating assistance in addition to crisis assistance, with a different meaning of an emergency in every state. 22 states, including Massachusetts, Alaska, and Ohio, do not offer compensation for cooling, though.

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