Highway Patrol California Officers Respond To Woman In Labor, Help The Woman Deliver Her Child Safely

Highway Patrol California Officers Respond To Woman In Labor, Help The Woman Deliver Her Child Safely

The Highway Patrol California officers responded to a pregnant woman in labor and helped her deliver her baby on the roadside of San Joaquin Valley. The Highway Patrol California officers used their training in actual work.

Highway Patrol California Officers Respond To Woman In Labor, Help The Woman Deliver Her Child Safely
Highway Patrol California Officers Respond To Woman In Labor, Help The Woman Deliver Her Child Safely (Photo: CBS 8)


Highway Patrol California officers had a random day of work after they assisted a pregnant woman in labor

Highway Patrol California Officers were alerted to a medical emergency last July 8 about a pregnant woman in labor. Highway Patrol  California Officers rushed to the scene on a road outside at San Joaquin Valley.

Highway Patrol California Communications Center received an emergency call that a woman in active labor on SR-119, west of SR-43, said the Highway Patrol California officers in a statement.

Highway Patrol California Officers promptly responded to help the pregnant woman. The Highway Patrol California department said the responding Highway Patrol California officers put their training to actual work and delivered the baby girl safely at 7:30 a.m.

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Great job! Highway Patrol California Officer Pence and Highway Patrol California Officer Krahn

The Highway Patrol California Officers transported the Mom and baby to a local hospital.

Photos show Highway Patrol California first responders while holding the baby girl with three EMS workers photographed standing woman’s car.

Truly! Not all heroes wear capes! They wear badges.

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