High-Speed Carjacking Pursuit Ends in Arrest

High-Speed Carjacking Pursuit Ends in Arrest of 17-Year-Old Suspect in Northwest Indiana

The incident originated when a 44-year-old woman was shot during a carjacking on DeKalb Street in New Chicago at around 7 p.m., as reported by the Lake County Sheriff’s Department in Indiana.

High-Speed Carjacking Pursuit Ends in Arrest
High-Speed Carjacking Pursuit Ends in Arrest ( Photo: Cleveland 19 )

A high-speed pursuit unfolded in northwest Indiana on Friday involving a 17-year-old suspect accused of carjacking, according to local authorities

The victim, who sustained life-threatening injuries from the carjacking, was swiftly transported to a hospital in Chicago for medical treatment. The carjacked vehicle, a Nissan Sentra, was subsequently spotted by a Porter police officer traveling at approximately 75 mph on eastbound U.S. 20. Despite their efforts to halt the suspect, the officer was unable to bring the carjacked car to a stop.

The pursuit continued along U.S. 20 near Main Avenue in Pine Township, with the carjacked car intermittently reaching speeds exceeding 120 mph. However, as the suspect In the carjacked car approached a curve just east of Railroad Avenue, he lost control of the carjacked vehicle and crashed into a wooded area.

The impact resulted in the carjacker being partially ejected through the windshield

Law enforcement swiftly extracted him from the wreckage and took him into custody. Medical attention was promptly administered to the carjacker, who suffered minor injuries in the crash. Subsequently, he was transported to a nearby hospital for further assessment.

Police disclosed that the carjacker had recently been released from custody in Illinois for a similar armed carjacking offense. Presently, the individual is being held at the Lake County Juvenile Detention Center on multiple charges, including resisting law enforcement, theft of a motor vehicle, reckless driving, driving without a license, and two traffic citations.


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