Gov. Lamont Orders Independent Investigation

Gov. Lamont Orders Independent Investigation into Connecticut State Police After Traffic Stop Data Discrepancies

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The data analysts from the University of Connecticut flagged that these reports had disproportionately identified drivers as white.

Gov. Lamont Orders Independent Investigation
Gov. Lamont Orders Independent Investigation ( Photo: Connecticut Public )

Gov. Lamont, the Governor of Connecticut, has taken decisive action in response to a recent audit revealing falsified information on over 26,000 traffic stops by state troopers between 2014 and 2021

While they didn’t determine the intent behind the discrepancies, they highlighted the need for an investigation into the matter. Initially, Gov. Lamont had requested the chief state’s attorney’s office to look into the issue, finding no evidence of intentional wrongdoing. Gov. Lamont announced that an independent investigation is necessary to thoroughly understand what happened, why it happened, and how to prevent such incidents in the future. Gov. Lamont’s office appointed Deirdre Daly. Daly and her team estimate that the review process could take up to six months, depending on the number of people to be interviewed and the level of cooperation they receive.

In response to the situation, Connecticut State Police Colonel Stavros Mellekas has directed all state troopers to fully cooperate with the investigation

It is essential to uphold transparency and integrity in law enforcement. Connecticut’s 1999 law aimed at preventing racial profiling requires police statewide, including local departments, to submit traffic-stop data to the state. The Institute for Municipal and Regional Policy at Central Connecticut State University regularly analyzes this data, revealing previous instances of disproportionate stops of Black and Hispanic drivers compared to white motorists.

Gov. Lamont’s swift action to order an independent investigation demonstrates his commitment to addressing this issue and ensuring accountability within the state police. As the investigation proceeds, Gov. Lamont remains focused on rectifying the situation and implementing measures to prevent similar incidents in the future.


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