The 77 members of the Alabama House Republican Caucus met Thursday night after the election, and they voted to nominate State Representative Nathaniel Ledbetter, R-Rainsville, for Speaker of the House.
Thursday, Republican members of the Alabama House of Representatives elected Nathaniel Ledbetter, R-Rainsville, to serve as the chamber’s next speaker.
Former Rainsville mayor and current House Speaker Ledbetter succeed retiring Republican from Monrovia Mac McCutcheon.
Since November 2014, Ledbetter has represented District 24 in the House of Representatives. He has been the House Majority Leader since 2017.
Like his predecessor before him, Ledbetter lost a House contest as a Democrat in 2010 but then won the next election after switching parties.
Ledbetter has been a member of the House of Representatives since 2014, and he enjoys a reputation as a centrist who avoids partisan hot water.
Ledbetter was a sponsor of the contentious legislation that mandated the hiring of mental health coordinators in all public schools during the previous legislative session.
After McCutcheon stated he would not be running again, the seat of Speaker of the House became open. Phillip Rigsby, another Republican, won the election for his seat on Tuesday.
Following Mike Hubbard’s removal and conviction for many ethics offenses, McCutcheon stepped into the role of Speaker.