Even If You Never Leave Your Home, You Are Traveling Almost A Trillion Miles In Your Lifetime. How? Read On!
Whether you’re a frequent jet-setter or a couch potato, you are traveling almost a trillion miles in your lifetime.
Everyone is traveling a full circle every 24 hours.
That would be a fact that even if you were to stay immobile your whole life, you are traveling in your lifetime. The average depends on whether you consider Earth as your vehicle.
As for distance on Earth’s surface, humans are traveling 30,000 to 50,000 miles in their lifetime, though some globe-trotters will go much beyond.
But as large as it is, that number pales in contrast to the motion we get by hitching a ride on Earth. Our planet spins on its axis. And because Earth is solid, it rotates as a single rigid body, meaning that everywhere on the planet experiences the same speed and everyone is traveling a full circle every 24 hours.
Those who are in position on the north or south geographic poles, and wouldn’t be traveling anywhere
Those men on the equator, however, get an amount of linear speed of roughly 1,000 mph (1,600 km/h). That’s a leap above traveling we do on Earth’s surface, but we’re just getting warmed up. In addition to rotating, Earth orbits the sun.
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