
Dwayne Johnson’s daughter tweets an ominous post with the hashtag “RIP” THE ROCK’S DAUGHTER

The youngest superstar of the 4th generation and daughter of Dwayne Johnson, Ava, is preparing for her debut in the singles division. When WWE revealed its plans for this eagerly awaited event, there was an evident feeling of anxiety among wrestling fans. However, just as the excitement peaked, Ava shocked the wrestling community by leaving a surprising letter that hinted at an expected end earlier than her big night.

When Ava had her NXT debut in October 2022, her career with the WWE officially began. But she didn’t get a boost to her career till May of this year. Her violent conflict with Ivy Nile, the Pitbull of the Diamond Mine faction, motivated this push. After then, both of these fierce rivals have been at odds with one another, setting off fireworks that thrilled the WWE Universe.

The members of Nile’s stable, Diamond Mine, are her and her powerful brothers Brutus and Julius Creed.

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