Despite being sued, Greg Abbott constructs a river buoy wall along the Texas border
Gov. Greg Abbott (R-TX) is proceeding with the construction of a $1 million floating buoy wall along the border between the United States and Mexico despite recently filed legal action that was directed at the project.
In a video posted this week, a representative of the Texas Department of Public Safety can be seen attaching a string of enormous floating red buoys that resemble massive balls in Eagle Pass, Texas. This new prevention mechanism is known by the state as a “marine barrier.”
“Within Gov. [Abbott’s] Operation Lone Star, the State of #Texas has begun historic action to protect the border. Today in EaglePass, the sea barrier construction got underway. The sea barrier will stop illegal crossings, stop human trafficking, and stop drowning deaths. Lt. Chris Olivarez, a spokesman for the Texas DPS, tweeted the hashtag on Monday afternoon.