
Corrections officer at NYC’s Rikers Island was captured on camera bragging about abusing a mentally ill prisoner

According to a recent federal monitor study, shocking body-worn camera video shows New York City correction officers boasting about knocking up a detainee placed in a mental surveillance facility on Rikers Island.

During an incident in April 2023 at the Anna M. Kross Center, a police officer referred to the detainee as a “p—y.”

The corrections officer brags, “I smashed him up. “Man, we f—ed him up.”

The same official, who was eventually suspended, then says, “I smashed his a— earlier and I’m going to do it again.” “He is performing. He should have attempted to spit at me, in my opinion.

The event was detailed in a 53-page report that was made public on Monday by the federal monitoring team that was tasked with keeping an eye on the class action complaint concerning staff abuse and inappropriate force abuse.

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