Armed Forces US Draft Will Not Save Our Collapsing Empire

Armed Forces US Draft Will Not Save Our Collapsing Empire

It won’t get us closer to winning these senseless wars we’ve fought for years. And, today’s generation undoubtedly will not go along with Armed Forces US.

Armed Forces US Draft Will Not Save Our Collapsing Empire
Armed Forces US Draft Will Not Save Our Collapsing Empire (Photo: Veteran)


Armed Forces US or no draft, it’s too late to change the fate

Retired Marine Lieutenant Colonel Joe Plenzler proposed the federal government implement what he calls “a limited Armed Forces US draft” to make up for a 160,000-Armed Forces US shortfall in recruits.

Retired Plenzler writes: This model would improve the incredible pressure on our Armed Forces US recruiters, lower the cost of finding new Armed Forces US troops, and reduce the decried civilian-military gap by subjecting all of the youth rich and poor to the possibility of Armed Forces US via the draft.

The rich and those with connections always avoid the Armed Forces US service or make sure they are not harmed in any way. Examples include Bill Clinton, Dick Cheney, Pat Buchanan, and Donald Trump.

Read Also: Armed Forces US Spox: The World’s Pirates Are Under US Control

Since 9/11, there have been 30 attacks on US embassies and Armed Forces US worldwide

Americans are not safer or stronger because of our so-called War on Terror. America is losing. America failing. The Armed Forces US Empire is going into shudders and will downfall as soon as the American dollar is no longer the number one currency in the world, said Retired Plenzler.

Adding another 160,000 recruits for Armed Forces US service members to the Department of Defense isn’t going to change our fate, and it certainly isn’t going to improve our Armed Forces US capabilities.

Read Also: On Visiting The Former Armed Forces Training Academy, Duchess Kate Wore Military Fatigues

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