Arizona Cacti Are Dying In Botanical Garden Due To Heat!

Arizona Cacti Are Dying In Botanical Garden Due To Heat!

Arizona Cacti at the botanical garden in Phoenix are dying because they can’t take the heat.

Arizona Cacti Are Dying Because Of Heat
Arizona Cacti Are Dying In Botanical Garden Due To Heat! (Photo: KGUN 9)


Arizona Cacti Are Dying Because Of Heat

Record-high temperatures in Arizona caused Arizona Cacti at the Desert Botanical Garden to become stressed. Arizona Cacti saguaro can appear normal before it collapses and reveals that the inside was rotting because of heat stress.

Every February, the Desert Botanical Garden takes inventory of Arizona Cacti and assesses their condition. Since 2020, the high temperature stressed many of the Arizona Cacti saguaros. The Desert Botanical Garden staff are sending some previously affected Arizona Cacti.

Last Wednesday, the Desert Botanical Garden recorded 16 days above 90 degrees heat in Phoenix. The temperatures were over 110 degrees again last Thursday. The 28 days of straight heat make Arizona Cacti stressed.

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Arizona Cacti carry out essential functions at night

Arizona Cacti stomata carry out a gas exchange that takes in the carbon. But because nights have experienced high heat, Arizona Cacti suffocate and stress out the saguaros that dehydrate them.

Arizona Cacti Saguaros are beautifully adapted to heat, but they reach their limits.

The biggest threat to Arizona Cacti Saguaros is that temperatures heat up over time. The new generations of the Arizona Cacti Saguaros species will struggle to grow.

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