
According to police, two teenagers were thrown from the car as it broke in half across the Gulf Freeway

As per the League City Police Department, a 17-year-old was killed after being thrown from a car shortly before noon Tuesday and hitting with a light pole and telephone pole.

Police were informed by a witness that the car was traveling quickly when it seemed the driver lacked control and exited the road. After colliding with the poles, the automobile was broken in half, with its engine traveling 75 feet away from the point of contact.

This occurred on the Gulf Freeway traveling north right around 4:30 in the morning.

According to the police, they were called to a serious accident on the feeder route connecting League City Parkway and Main Street. Once the cops came, they discovered one teen remained in the backseat and 2 men had been thrown from the vehicle.

Before the League City Fire Department stood on the scene, officers started assisting.

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