The incident occurred at 2 a.m. when Marjorie Perkins woke up to find the young man standing over her bed, threatening to harm her.

Marjorie Perkins, an 87-year-old woman from Maine, bravely defended herself against a teenage intruder in her Brunswick home on July 26
Refusing to be a victim, Marjorie Perkins decided to fight back. She quickly put on her shoes and engaged in a struggle with the intruder, using a chair as a barrier between them. During the altercation, she sustained hits on her cheek and forehead before the intruder changed his approach and headed to the kitchen. Surprisingly, he then admitted to being “awfully hungry.” In a remarkable act of kindness, Marjorie Perkins offered him food – a box of peanut butter and honey crackers, two protein drinks, and two tangerines.
Meanwhile, Marjorie Perkins dialed 911 on her rotary phone and spoke to a dispatcher as the intruder gathered his belongings and eventually left the scene, leaving behind a knife, shirt, shoes, and a water bottle filled with alcohol.
The story of Marjorie Perkins’ bravery spread globally, turning her into an international celebrity
Despite the ordeal, she still feels safe in her home of 42 years. However, she expressed concern about the increasing crime rate and the lack of fear among criminals regarding the consequences of their actions.
Law enforcement acted swiftly in response to the incident, apprehending the teenage intruder, who remains unidentified due to his age. He was charged with burglary, criminal threatening, assault, and underage consumption of alcohol. Authorities confirmed that he was staying just a few blocks away from Marjorie Perkins’ residence.
While the community praises Marjorie Perkins for her courage, her story highlights the growing concern about crime rates and the need for stronger measures to ensure public safety.
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